+39 02 952451 segreteria@nlm.it

Beta Globin Test

The kit allows the identification of 25 alterations in the beta-globin gene involved in the beta-talassemia, through Reverse Dot Blot (RDB) hybridization strip assay.

Alpha Globin Test

The kit allows the identification of 22 alterations in the alpha-globin gene involved in the alpha-talassemia, through Reverse Dot Blot (RDB) hybridization strip assay.


The kit allows the identification of 43 mutations of the gene that encodes for the protein CFTR through Fluorescent ARMS (Amplification Refractory Mutation Detection System) and fragment analysis on an automatic sequencer.

CF Fast

The kit allows the identification of 40 mutations and 5T(TG9-13)-7T-9T allele of the gene that encodes for the protein CFTR through Fluorescent ARMS (Amplification Refractory Mutation Detection System) and fragment analysis on an automatic sequencer.

CF del

The kit allows the identification of 7 macrodeletion of the gene that encodes for CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) protein, through Reverse Dot Blot (RDB) hybridization strip assay. The assay is an extension of ref.AC023/25.


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