This kits and products are exclusively intended for professional operators.
Molecular Biology DIAGNOSTIC TESTS by Real Time PCR for the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the disease called COVID-19: NLM AA1571/96S and NLM AA1571/960S codes.
This kits and products are exclusively intended for professional operators.
NLM AA1571/96S and NLM AA1571/960S codes – SARS-CoV-2 Real Time
Real Time kits for the qualitative SARS-CoV-2 virus determination (English B.1.1.7, South Africa N501Y and Brazilian E484K variants included).
96 and 960 test respectively.
Viral genes investigated: RdRP/Hel, E, N (WHO Interim guidance). Endogenous Internal Control (RNasi P).
Enzyme including UNG mix. Indicated for the clinical management of COVID-19 patients.
Compatibility with different Real Time PCR instruments: BioRad CFX96, Applied Biosystems ABI7500 Fast, Agilent MX3005P and AriaDx, Anatolia Geneworks Montania.